Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What Causes Unhappiness And Ways To Overcome Them

What Causes Unhappiness And Ways To Overcome Them: Most people nowadays have indeed become very unhappy and miserable. With everything that is happening around the world – natural calamities such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunami, etc., terrorism, and economic crisis – it would not be a surprise if people just give up hoping for a happy and bright future. It's very easy to be unhappy when things don't turn out the way we like . We feel angry and irritable. However, we must not spend too much time dwelling on these feelings because they lead to other problems that are more serious. But how can someone be happy when he is sick and in pain? How can a mother and a father be happy when they do not have enough income to provide for their children’s needs? How can one find happiness when he does not even have a shelter over his head? There are many causes of unhappiness and each of them must be addressed.

Besides having poor health and insufficient income, other causes of unhappiness include:


The keyword is “productive” for it gives a sense of fulfillment. Without it life starts to feel empty and void of purpose.

Getting physically and mentally active may help overcome unhappiness. Get involved with something worthwhile, something that will give a sense of fulfillment or achievement.


It hurts when people reject us. It leaves a feeling of sadness and lowers our self-esteem. Rejection can show up in many forms. Some people express rejection by verbally saying that they do not like the person or his idea. Some express skepticism or ridicule the person presenting new ideas. Others try to form their own group and exclude those they dislike.

Rejection is also expressed non-verbally. Some adopt the closed and defensive stance and refuse to listen to ideas by re-directing the flow of conversation. The thumbs-down sign is universally understood as rejection.

If this is the case, we should try to associate with other people who will accept us for what we are. Rejection should not put an end to our efforts. We should take it as a sign to do a re-examination and try another approach.


This is a very common cause of unhappiness. The people who care too much about what others think of them usually cannot make their own decisions. They live their lives according to other people’s will and expectations. It's difficult to find happiness when we spend our time pleasing others instead of ourselves.

We ought to be positive about ourselves. . Cast fears aside. Just keep in mind that the things other people say or do does not demean your worth as a human being. Robert Louis Stevenson has this to say, “Don't let your neighbor set your standards. Be yourself.” We feel joy when our self-worth rests quietly within us, not on the lips of others.


Failure to achieve important goals in life can lead to feelings of inadequacy and frustration. Whatever goals that we set in life should be realistic and doable. These goals should be meaningful to us; otherwise, we will only derive little happiness from achieving it. Goals should be set for all major aspects of our lives.

Start with a systematic plan to achieve goals. Begin implementing them and monitor the progress. Once we start to achieve our goals, our happiness will increase as well. If we don't like the state of our lives, let it not be a reason for us to be unhappy. Edward de Bono has this to say, “Unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents and expectations.” Too many expectations can really cause unhappiness; therefore, we should try to live a simple life - with simple wants and simple needs. More importantly, we must rise above everything that pulls us down and move on.


Nobody is perfect. All of us commit mistakes. Some people may have unknowingly committed mistakes. However, a few people consciously live their lives in sins and immorality. These people have not fully realized the serious consequences of doing sins.

Sins and crimes are cause of unhappiness. Crime does not pay. Criminals get caught and eventually, justice catches up with them. Violence begets violence. Truly, it is difficult to find a bright future behind bars or six feet below the ground. For some who manage to get away with their crimes, guilt will most likely haunt their conscience and can cause them to feel miserable for the rest of their lives.


Some people think that happiness can be attained through alcohol or drugs. Consequently, they resort to these substances thinking they can escape from the troubles and worries of life. They are dead wrong! It is like escaping from small fire to hell.

Alcohol is a mood-altering substance and is a depressant. In fact, some doctors prescribe moderate amounts of alcohol as tranquilizer or sedative. A drink or two can actually improve health and help a person to relax. However, greater quantities can be fatal. Alcohol abuse ruins both the mind and the body. Anyone who drinks too much is risking the hazards of accident caused by loss of coordination, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease and related disorders. Then you have drugs which plays a role in destroying the mental health of the user. Today, we witness many examples of various forms of social disintegration and chaos due to the worldwide surge of drug addiction. Many of the suicide and homicide cases are related to drug abuse.


These are useless acts and seldom accomplish any positive results. If we have to give feedback, we must make sure it is constructive and useful. Criticism is one of the greatest causes of limitations in our lives.

We should learn to be tolerant of the behavior of others even if it does not fit the pattern of our opinions. Learn to savor the differences between people. Imagine how dull the world would be if we all thought, spoke, and acted the same way!

If we are on the receiving end of destructive criticisms, it is normal to feel upset but we should evaluate the purpose or motive of the person who expressed his thoughts. If we are upset with people who do not have anything good to say about us, we might as well avoid them. Let us try to associate with people that naturally please us. More importantly, always keep in mind that we cannot please everybody; hence, we should not let destructive criticisms be a cause of worry and sleepless nights.

Take the time to examine your feeling. Why are you really unhappy? The key is knowing the cause. Once you know the cause, you’ll be able to work out a plan to overcome it. That is the secret to happiness.

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