Monday, July 26, 2010

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss: Gastric bypass also known as bariatric surgery was once an uncommon procedure done by just a few extremely qualified surgeons, but now it is done more often. We have all seen the shows on television and applauded final results and new promising life for the patients who were previously trapped inside their own bodies. In fact, we might be considering such a surgical procedure for ourselves. Unfortunately, the downside for losing weight so quickly, is hanging, loose skin. The skin that has been stretched for so long, simply can't snap back, and instead hinders the person's movements, and the way clothing fits. Why shed all that weight, just to have the new problem of loose skin on the backs of the arms, belly, upper thighs, chin, and buttocks? You won't need to have problems with that any longer, since a plastic surgeon can eliminate it quite efficiently.

A procedure to eliminate loose skin is frequently proposed to most gastric bypass patients. A very qualified cosmetic surgeon may excise and get rid of several lbs of leftover skin from your body, which makes it less difficult not only to fit into your new clothing, but ensure you can walk, sit and stand easily. In fact, even though you were toned, the extra skin probably made you weigh up to 50 lbs more than you would has the skin not been there.

While consulting with your cosmetic surgeon on removal of loose skin, he may advise you to delay at least 4 to 6 months to make sure all the weight has been lost. This is ideal because if you have the skin removal before you are at the correct weight, it will become loose again when you lose additional weight. Additionally, be sure the surgeon you have chosen has the expertise and skill in that type of procedure. You must receive pertinent and detailed information on what to expect during and afterward, such as healing time, bruising, scarring, infection, pain, and just how to rectify those conditions. Your cosmetic surgeon will most likely recommend pain relievers and ice packs for several days until the swelling decreases. As soon as recovery is complete you could enjoy the tight free feeling of being trim with all the advantages that go with it.

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