Does that resonate with you? Are you ready for something different in your life?
Then it's time to take stock of your personal development plans and get back to basics by creating a simpler life. That doesn't mean that you have to start making your own clothes, grow your own food, and put cows in the back yard. Unless of course that is attractive to you. What it means is that it is time to get a stronger sense of control over your personal motivation, lifestyle and budget.
Back to basics is about doing what moves, motivates, and excites you. It's also about eliminating or minimizing the things that hold you back.
Start your back to basics self improvement training by relating the following questions to own life and taking this tips:
1. What things do I have that are cluttering my life? These are the types of items that are sitting around the house or garage that take up space, energy, and money but that you seldom if ever use. It might be that espresso machine that you bought 5 years ago or the closet full of clothes you never wear. What ever it is, get rid of it - donate it, give it away, or even throw it out.
2. Who do I have relationships with that are no longer fulfilling? All relationships go through rough periods those are not the ones you are looking for. You are looking for the relationships that you have had for a while that you don't enjoy. It's the ones that when the phone rings you contemplate letting it go to voice mail so you don't have to talk to them. Those are the ones that you either need to renew, renegotiate or let go. Then, look at people you know that you would like to develop a friendship with and work on making that happen.
3. Where could I be making better use of my money? This one is not hard... You know what you need to do, so now (as Nike says) JUST DO IT! Taking a hard look at your money will enable you to prepare for the long term as well as take care of the present. That doesn't mean that you can't have fun or spend a little frivolously, just make sure that you are making the best use of your money and getting some of your money to work for you!
4. What do I find rewarding in my job or career? Bottom line here, if you can't think of at least 10 things that you find rewarding, it's time to find another job or change careers. Since most people spend the greatest amount of time at or on work, make sure it resonates with your values.
5. How can I give back or contribute? To have a fulfilling life, you need to think outside of yourself. Remember the days of barn raisings. Everyone helped everyone else. They didn't expect to get paid, they did it because they were a community and they wanted to help each other succeed so that their community could succeed. Same principles apply. How are you contributing today and what can you do to contribute tomorrow?
6. Why? Yep, just why. Why are you doing what you are doing? Are you doing it because you really want to do it, you have to do it, or you like doing it? Why are you not going to church, why are you going to church? Why are you living or not living your dreams? Why do you believe what you believe? Why do you want to simplify your life? Answering the why question will be the emphasis that puts you on the right track and keeps you there.
Make this year your self improvement year of "Back to Basics" using the above questions as your personal self improvement tips. Visit this site more often for more of the tips.
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